Saturday, December 5, 2009

Looking back on the 20th century, do you think Japan is too easily forgotten?

In school and pop culture it seems the Nazis get all the attention.

Tons of movies, tv, books, history channel, ect devoted to the evils of Nazi Germany.

Many people I have spoken to usually refers to the Nazis as the top dog of war crimes. Yet, I also find that there is almost an ignorance or willingness to overlook Japan.

However I find that even the SS troops at their worst would have had difficulty matching the brutality, racism, and fanaticism routinely displayed by the Japanese military; their cruelty towards, and frequent mass slaughter of prisoners of war and civilians; their wanton destruction of cities, towns and villages; their rape camps; even cannibalism.

Do you think that Imperial Japan's atrocities are overlooked by people in the west?

Why does the European Theater stick out in American minds and media, when thinkingof ww2, far more than the pacific theater?

What do you attribute it to?

Looking back on the 20th century, do you think Japan is too easily forgotten?tickets

I think the biggest reason why Americans remember the Nazi atrocities more than the Japanese atrocities is that the Nazi acts are far better documented. We have countless hours of video footage of Nazi crimes, but have very little video of the Japanese actions even though both are disgusting.

Looking back on the 20th century, do you think Japan is too easily forgotten?ballet opera theater

I wonder sometimes if Americans think of World War II as ending with the fall of Germany and the Pacific Theatre as being a "mop-up" operation (which, of course, it wasn't). While I agree that the Japanese commited savage atrocities, they don't quite hit the level of Hitler's genocide in terms of impact on the world. On the other hand, many of Japan's atrocities were against Chinese (e.g., the rape of Nanking) rather than Americans or Europeans, so they may not have registered in the American consciousness.
your right the japanese weore some real mo-fo's\
If you knew how much money we owe the Japanese, you'd understand why they aren't vilified as much as the Nazis. Furthermore, we did drop a nuclear bomb on them after they officially surrendered. I think that might earn you a vilification pass.
thats funny harv "droopy nucks" hahaha, seriously i think that in schools in the US there is no emphasis on any type of history but american, and small doses of european and ancient, all focus is usually placed on the founding fathers and how great they were, we never hear about the blunders and mistakes like the reason that started the mexican american war, or how europeans imposed colonialism or the viet nam war its all about keeping it nice and pristine
I think you are psycho.ww2 is over more than 60 years.Germany is one of e.u. founders,by the way who drooped nucks on Japan,was it very human?morans like you are messing peoples minds,instead of building a better world today

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